Town Board Vote Minder
How did the Amherst Town Board Vote with your money?
Mar. 25, 2024:
Minutes Packet <-coming soon
Impact: - This went against many residents’ requests, now impacting the tax levy, debt service to the town, interest expenses, & with interest free ‘gifts’ for the private company of Randy Kramer.
Feb. 26, 2024:
Minutes Packet <-here
Impact: - The contract with a private company calls for a non-compete clause to ban indoor theater company performances on 171 acres of tax paid land, except for Randy Kramer for 30 years.
Feb. 5, 2024:
Minutes Packet <-here
Impact: - This went against the neighbors, community, and residents’ wishes to replace ex Gleason’s grassy land with a 22 townhome unit squished right up against in their backyards
Impact: - This now allows the board to use 171 acres of green space for commercial-like development, roads, 30+ buildings, & in cases without input or recourse from the residents.
Nov. 9, 2023: Tax Levy Override
Minutes Packet <-here
Berger was late. Board needed her vote to pass. They restructured the agenda on the spot until she arrived.
Impact: Override the tax levy limit (3.3%) for the 2024 Budget. Made way for a 11.4% property tax levy increase.
Oct. 30, 2023: Delay Tax Vote
Minutes Packet <-here
Impact: Delay the meeting to vote on taxes & tax cap override until after the election, eliminating transparency from the public to benefit their personal election desires.