Irrelevant Residents
Town Board Meeting Summary for 1/2/24
Winner of Most Absurd Moment: Michael Szukala with “Residents’ Beliefs are Irrelevant” (x2)
The third (back-to-back-to-back) town board meeting was standing room only once again, and not for any joyous reason. The first meeting of 2024 was the most lively and effective meeting yet in my opinion, especially for what is typically a boring reorg administrative meeting with no major project on the agenda to perk ears up. The boardmembers looked to be shocked, having an epiphany, realizing that this 11.4% tax hike issue and other problems are not going away and the new year/post-holiday vacation did not help to sweep the situation under the rug. Throughout, the evening the boardmembers’ facial expressions went from confident to uncomfortable. Residents should be extremely encouraged by this and continue to build on this momentum for the next meeting 1/22/24 at 7pm where hundreds are expected to show up to start shaping the future of our lovely Town of Amherst.
Facebook Event Notice Here:
Marinucci’s First Words
This was the first meeting with new boardmember, Angela Marinucci, a relatively new Amherst resident (moved in Nov. 2020). Marinucci decided to obey Jacqui Berger instead simply answering an easy question from a concerned senior citizen asking, “will you consider looking at options regarding the 11.4% tax hike for residents?”. Berger grabbed Marinucci’s arm and told her not to answer… and Marinucci went along to get along with her boardmembers’ wishes unfortunately. Boards in the past and this last meeting have and are able to respond to residents’ questions immediately if inquired… but Marinucci played Berger’s go-to don’t answer game. It was a sad way to start the first 30 minutes and people are very disappointed with Marinucci’s first impression.
Video clip here:
Newcomer Angela Marinucci’s first impression is to follow arm grabbing lead of Jacqui Berger instead of working with residents. (Source: Facebook messenger)
Later in the evening, once again a question was asked to Angela Marinucci and once again Jacqualine Berger did her classic grabbing of other boardmembers’ arms to tell them to not answer. Berger doesn’t 1) understand personal space, 2) care/understand how that looks on a public stage.
Video clip here:
Jacqui Berger’s expression when residents hold her accountable for eye rolling, telling people to not answer, & grabbing others arms. (Source: Facebook messenger)
“I don’t have to respond!”
Also, in the first 30 minutes Supervisor Brian Kulpa said in a very sassy voice “I don’t have to respond!”, only then to hear loud boos and a firm disapproval response from the hundreds in attendance. You’d think that after 3 ‘sold out’ meetings, the recent events, news, cameras, etc. he would know better not to say that… but either 1) Kulpa doesn’t care, or 2) he still doesn’t comprehend what is the problem and how to solve it.
Video clip here:
The first resident speaker of the night had a fantastic point. Supervisor Kulpa’s Facebook page (allegedly being operated by Joe McMahon and/or Lisa Kistner, his personal assistants making $200k in base salaries alone) posted 15 times, info on when/where Santa Claus on the firetrucks would be. However, Kulpa’s page never posted about the budget, taxes, promoting town board meetings, encouraging resident input, etc. So much for true & meaningful transparency.
Video clip here:
Mr. “Transparency” is Back
Ah, transparency… speaking of transparency, remember Councilmember Shawn Lavin aka “Mr. Transparency”? He sat slumped and stone faced when residents asked why the Board of Ethics has not met since Jan. 2020. When Kulpa said he didn’t know much about the Ethics committee and asked “who is the chair of the board” not one boardmember could answer anything regarding the Board of Ethics. Interestingly enough, Shawn Lavin is the liaison to the Board of Ethics(!!!) yet had nothing to say.
Video clip here:
Lavin also lacked transparency when an Army veteran asked him if he too was a veteran, to which Lavin’s initial response was “I’ll answer that question after public expression” in a manner/tone of pushing it aside, instead of just simply saying yes or no quickly. Also, when asked if he said that the town board publicly addressed the tax increase early on, at first Lavin sat still and didn’t want to answer… until the silence broke him and he reluctantly said ‘yeah’. Lavin seems to not have a grasp of the definition of transparency or how that should look like in public.
Video clip here:
Shawn Lavin lacks transparency with resident Army veteran, hides behind useless computer. (Source: Facebook messenger)
Blank Screen Computers Open?
Speaking of visual presentation to the public, every board meeting each of the boardmembers like to bring a comfort object with them. Marinucci brought a extra large Starbucks cup. Berger brings her water bottle. Kulpa brings paper and a pen to look down at instead of making eye contact. Lavin and Szukala bring laptops to open up and rarely if ever use. One can only assume that they are using those laptops as 1) a subconscious way of creating a barrier between them and the residents/audience, and/or 2) a facetious way to look more important/hard working than they really are. When confronted about why have those laptops open… Szukala turned his laptop around to show a black, blank screen. This was a bizarre moment, to which residents responded “if its off, then just close it and talk with us”. Szukala closed the laptop and for the rest of the meeting it did not negatively impact his performance. However, Lavin aka Mr. Transparency refused to comment on his laptop, sat slouched and stone faced and did not close his laptop or touch it or refer to it as usual. It’s bizarre behavior from 40 year old+ adults.
Video clip here:
Eye Rolls, Smirks, No Eye Contact
One of the most powerful moments was when finally residents called attention to how Jacqualine Berger and Brian Kulpa continuously disrespect residents, senior citizens, and others at town board meetings. Unfortunately, the YouTube streams do not show the town boards’ faces but those in attendance have been watching for years the boardmembers rolling their eyes, mumbling obscenities under their breath, smirking, chuckling, looks of disdain, etc. at residents. The comment brought a standing ovation of loud applause by the residents, people are sick of being treating as pests to elected officials.
Video clip here:
Video clip here, moments later:
Brian Kulpa shows his disrespect & disdain to hundreds of residents speaking to him. (Source: Facebook messenger)
Kulpa Answers, Kinda
The night concluded with Supervisor Kulpa going through a list of most of the questions residents brought up and giving his version of response. This is a step forward, however many more questions need to be answered more directly and with much more detail to even begin opening the door for trust/transparency. Many things don’t make sense still, for example how LED streetlight savings reported of $500k a year turn into $2 million a year or Kulpa flip flopping saying that the spending of $7+ million to move Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village to Westwood dba Amherst Central “Park” will now have much more conversation over the next two years, when it’s documented the move is to start in 2024 and the PUD vote is done. Berger tried to chime in on the $33+ million LED lights telling residents that the cost included wiring if needed too… as if that was the straw to break the camel’s back, but maybe that same line is what sold Berger on spending $33+ million on LED lights that she claims will save the environment.
Video clip here (don’t worry folks, new wiring is included for $33million of taxes!):
Video clip here (LED streetlights will save the environment):
Most Absurd Moment Winner, Michael Szukala aka Mr. Irrelevant:
Frankly, Michael Szukala shattered any step forward of good faith, transparency, trust, etc. when he ended the 2.5hr meeting by scolding residents twice that their beliefs are irrelevant, but his are!
Video clip here (1st. irrelevant comment):
Video clip here (2nd. irrelevant comment):
Michael Szukala scolds hundreds of Amherst NY Residents saying their beliefs are irrelevant, but his is. (Source: Facebook messenger)
Szukala went to Dunkirk NY, as if that was the only nearby area he knows of that has changed lights to LED. He tried to insist that they proved to him that they are seeing huge savings from the light project. However, either he is misleading residents and/or incompetent.
1) Tonawanda recently bought, converted, & completed a LED streetlight project. The Town of Tonawanda is far closer and more relatable to the Town of Amherst than the City of Dunkirk. Why did Szukala really take a day off of work to go visit Dunkirk?
2) The City of Dunkirk does not own and did not buy the streetlights as TOA and TOT did… they only changed them to LED, had far fewer lights (1500 vs Amherst’s 9600 and Tonawanda’s ~7000), and spent ~$200k on adding disconnects alongside the new bulbs/heads. TOT spent $20 million and TOA spent $33+ million. This project is nothing like the one Amherst took on – yet Szukala is trying tell residents their analysis/beliefs are irrelevant! It is bizarre!
3) Szukala said he is going to post on his Facebook page later a giant check with him and the major of Dunkirk showing the savings. He has yet to post that as of the morning of Jan. 4th, 2024.
Michael Szukala is comparing apples to oranges and he is the one that is irrelevant with his 85 Facebook followers.
Michael Szukala owes the residents an apology and acknowledgement of 1) his misrepresentation of the LED streetlight project, 2) of resident’s beliefs.
Most noteworthy comments by board members:
Brian Kulpa (Supervisor): “I don’t have to respond!” (only 24 minutes into the meeting)
Jacqui Berger (Deputy Supervisor Councilmember): “It’s significant, I don’t know the dollar number” in response to how much do $33+ million LED street lights save, a project she said she led since 2018. “There’s one part that no one’s paid any attention to, this is so important to the environment, it really is!” regarding changing light bulbs to LED.
Shawn Lavin (Councilmember): “I’ll answer the question after…” in response to a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ are you an Army veteran pre-face question. (after calling for more transparency)
Michael Szukala (Councilmember): “Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant, I did! I get to speak… Whether you believe it happened or agree with it or not is irrelevant at this point!” (after 2 hours and 20 minutes of residents wanting their concerns to be acknowledged)
Angela Marinucci (Councilmember): “We cannot answer during public expression.” (only 22 minutes into the meeting)
Residents have one job to do between now and January 22nd 2024. Gather neighbors, talk to neighbors, tell neighbors to join the hundreds, thousands of people expected to attend the next meeting Monday Jan. 22, 2024. Facebook Event Notice Here:
This is the time to shape the future of our town.
See you all Monday 1/22/24 at 7pm.
Amherst Budget Minder
Blocked by Supervisor Brian Kulpa & Shawn Lavin: ✅
Still minding them: ✅